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Sponsor A Widow

Tebila has been widowed since 2004. She and her husband had four children together. Two have died and the other two are married and live with their...
Age: 106
Lizetta is 64 years old and was abandoned by her husband when she became a Christian 16 years ago. He has three other wives and several children he...
Age: 70
Tansissio was born in 1957 Her husband died in 1993. She has four grown children. She is no longer able to help her family planting and harvesting...
Age: 67
Hello, my name is Egnama. I was born in 1961. I married my husband when I was a young woman, but he died in 2021. We had five daughters...
Age: 63
Hello, my name is Noaga Madeleine. I was born in 1952. I was married for many years, but my husband died about 26 years ago. We had ten children...
Age: 72
Kimaie was born in 1951. She has five children, all of whom are married and living independently. Her husband died in 2016 from a long...
Age: 73
Souri is was born in 1935. She has been a widow for over 20 years. She has three children: 3 boys and 3 girls, but none of them are nearby so they...
Age: 89