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Lizetta 0172WYAKO18

Lizetta is 64 years old and was abandoned by her husband when she became a Christian 16 years ago. He has three other wives and several children he is caring for, but has refused to help Lizetta and her 8 children. She has struggled over the years to care for herself and the children and has received some help with the children’s schooling from the government. Right now, all but two of her kids has moved away and she says that her biggest problem is food. Lizetta suffers from diabetes and her feet are in very bad condition. For a few years now she has been unable to cultivate and therefore food has run out. The church has helped with some, but this is not enough to care for her and the two children living with her. There are days that they have only one meal a day and days where they have nothing.Sponsorship for Lizetta will greatly help the health of her and her family. She will also receive food each month, pastoral support and medical assistance for her diabetes.
Age: 70