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Tansissio 0276WSINI23

Tansissio was born in 1957 Her husband died in 1993. She has four grown children. She is no longer able to help her family planting and harvesting the crops due to her age and health. She contributes to the family by caring for the younger children while the other women work in the fields. She also prepares meals for her family.She is happy to do what she can but food insecurity is a constant reality. Her family grows corn, okra, beans and peanuts. Some years the rains are good and the harvest is sufficient. Other years, the drought kills the crops and the family faces the reality that they may not have enough food to feed their family throughout the year.. Tansissio lives in a small round house made out of mud brick. There is no electricity or running water. Fetching water from the well is a daily chore but one she can no longer do since one container of water weighs about 40 pounds and wells can be 2-3 miles away.Her village is in a high-risk area for several illnesses including malaria, typhoid and meningitis. Medication is available for these illnesses but often she does not have even the small fee needed to purchase them.The cost of sponsoring a widow is $20 a month. Having a sponsor would be such a blessing to this precious woman and her family. She could count on receiving 100 pounds of rice,some soap and other practical items twice a year. She would be encouraged to know someone cares.Sponsorship gives hope to vulnerable women .Please consider sponsoring Tansissio.Thank you
Age: 67