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Noaga Madeleine 0232WYAKO22

Hello, my name is Noaga Madeleine. I was born in 1952. I was married for many years, but my husband died about 26 years ago. We had ten children together, but only 4 have survived to adulthood. I have two sons and two daughters. Both of my daughters are married and live with their husbands and their families. My two sons live in our ancestral village, but I live in another city by myself. They are not able to help support me because they live so far away, so I work by gathering wood and selling it. Sometimes I will also buy vegetables and sell them for a little bit of profit. It has been hard for me to live alone because I have some health problems including a heart condition. I would ask that you pray for me and for my health but also for my loneliness. It is hard for me to be so far from my children. I do not have peace in my heart.
Age: 72