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Kimaie 0252WNIAN23

Kimaie was born in 1951. She has five children, all of whom are married and living independently. Her husband died in 2016 from a long illness.Kimaie lives in the courtyard of her husband’s extended family. She is no longer able to work in the fields because of her age. But, she is able to look after some of the younger children in the family when their mothers go out to work in the fields.Kimaie lives in a small mud-brick house in a small isolated village. There is no access to electricity or running water in the village. Some of the village children bring water from the well for Kimaie to use for cooking, bathing and doing her laundry.The family are subsistence farmers. They plant millet and corn, okra and peanuts, and sometimes cotton. When the rains are good, the family knows that the harvest will be good and that they will have enough to eat for the year. When the rains are insufficient, they know that they may not have enough food to last them through until the next harvest.Kimaie is dependent on the kindness and generosity of family members to provide for her. A sponsor will greatly encourage Kimaie’s family to continue caring for her.
Age: 73