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Jacqueline 0236WOUAG22

Jacqueline was born in West Africa in 1965. She married and had five children. Two of her children have already passed away. When she became a widow in 1985, her late husband’s family took her children away from her leaving her entirely on her own with no means of support. So her brother who was already caring for their widowed mother invited Jacqueline to come join his family. She and her mother worked hard to make ends meet. However, in 2000 her brother became ill and passed away. Her brother’s wife remarried and moved away leaving the two women without the security of a male family member to care for them. In this culture, women living without the protection of a man are very vulnerable. Life has been very difficult. Often, Jaqueline and her mother do not have enough food to eat despite their efforts to earn enough money to cover their meager needs.

Her mother collects plastic bags and other plastic items and sells them to a recycling center. Jacqueline goes from house to house asking to do laundry. They continue to live in the mud brick house her brother provided. But over the years, heavy rains and the harsh climate have caused the structure to deteriorate making it an unsafe dwelling for the women who have no means to repair the house.

Jacqueline would be so grateful to have a sponsor. Sponsorship donations would provide supplemental food for her and her mother.

Age: 59