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Henriette 0279WOUAG23

Henriette knows what it feels like to struggle every day. She was born in 1974. At the age of 49 she has already given birth to 7 children and buried 3 of them. She became a widow in 2020. She struggles to provide for her 2 remaining sons and 2 daughters. Her older daughter became pregnant while she was still in school. The father of the baby has not taken any responsibility for the child who is now 12 months old. Now she also cares for her grandchild. Her family lives in a small mud brick house and do not have access to electricity. Every morning she fills a large barrel with water and transfers the water to small plastic bags which she sells for a few cents each. This enables her to buy a few small vegetables, tomato sauce or peanut butter to enrich their evening meal. Often this is the only meal of the day.She has one daughter who is still in school. This year, (2022-2023) she is in 5th grade. Henriette knows the value of an education and hopes she can continue to pay the school fees so her daughter can have a better life.Henriette is looking for someone to help ease the heavy burdens that fall on her. She knows in order to provide for her family’s basic needs she will need help. Sponsorship would be such a blessing. The cost of sponsoring a widow is just $20 a month. The donations will provide gifts of soap and100 pounds of rice twice a year.Please consider helping Henriette by becoming her sponsor. Thank you.
Age: 50