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Hema Host Family

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This couple faced hard times when they decided to convert from the Muslim religion to Christ years ago. Both of their families disowned them and began slandering them among their communities. As Westerners, it is difficult to comprehend the magnitude of this loss since African society revolves around family and community relations. Though this road has been hard, they also began experiencing the faithfulness of God and His church. Having no family to lean on they cried out to God when life’s difficulties arose, and they watched Him provide. They and their four children are now active members of their local church. During his years working for The Red Cross, Mr. Hema saw the need for orphan care in this region of Burkina Faso. They became the first to join us as a Host Family in opening their home as a safe place for vulnerable children. They are pictured here with the first baby brought into our program whose mother died of a snake bite days before. With his evangelistic heart, Mr. Hema is excited to share the Gospel though every opportunity provided by this ministry