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Long term missionary work is our primary focus.

Our dream is to work with people who are willing to follow the call to GO that God has placed on their hearts. We partner with their sending church to support them and equip them with the tools they need to work internationally.

Sheltering Wings is a small missionary sending organization that started over twenty years ago through the bold obedience of Ruth Cox. Ruth was the first SW missionary but, as the number of missionaries has grown, the sense of family among the missionaries has grown too. Our missionaries continue in the bold pioneering spirit of our founder.

One strength we have as a small organization is the ability to customize our support according to the missionary's needs and the needs of their partnering churches. Our organization is unique in that we allow each missionary to decide what kind of work they will do, it may be evangelism, humanitarian, sponsorship, etc. The Christian call to service is a broad call that requires all types of work.

Sheltering Wings is honored to partner with churches in sending missionaries around the world. With the complexities of moving and ministering cross-culturally, we are equipped to help you and your sending church through this process.  The timeline for this process can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, depending on what security, language, and cultural training you may need.

Missionary Application Process

Just remember that this is a journey and it is definitely not always this linear.
If it's orderly or a bit more jumbled we are happy to walk this path with you!

God doesn’t call the equipped, but he equips the called

Have you heard the famous quote, “God doesn’t call the equipped, but he equips the called”? It may have become cliché, but we find it is still true. Most of our missionaries did not leave high school or college on a professional path to be a missionary. Let us seek the Lord with you for the best training needed for where you are being sent.

As you noticed in the list above, we partner with a mission training group called Missions Training International
who conducts a month-long course on language acquisition and culture awareness, which is a solid foundation no matter where you are going. In addition to language and culture training, several mission fields benefit from various levels of security training. We partner with organizations like Concilium, Fort Sherman Academy, and Crisis Consulting International to equip and build resilience in our missionaries to serve wherever God is calling them. We will help you decide whether that should be an online video, or a training involving simulations that lasts up to several days. As an important part of counting the cost, we require our missionaries to conduct at least one vision trip to the country where they will be moving. Ask God to build the team who is to go with you, walk the land, and discern what you need to learn while there. A trip of at least 10 days would be considered minimal.

Missionaries also need to be serious about their spiritual disciplines. They need to stay closely connected to their communities of faith in their home culture and their adopted culture. To support this endeavor, we strive to continually pour into our missionaries. Every two years we host a missionary conference/retreat as a time of connecting and refreshment. We encourage our missionaries in ongoing practices of good self-care. We encourage our missionaries in continual learning through books, conferences, and training

Do you sense God’s leading to foreign missions? Are you seeking full time missions opportunities, short term missions opportunities, family missionary opportunities, or single missionary opportunities? Are you seeking churches looking to support missionaries? We are eager to seek God’s will with you. Call, or click the “Let’s Chat” button to get started. May God bless this journey of the heart.