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Nouria 1896FYKES18

Hi there! My name is Nouria. I was abandoned by my parents when I was a baby, so I live with my grandmother now. My parents do not support me at all. I worry that my grandmother will not be able to care for me and it will be very hard for her to pay for my tuition. I like to help my grandma around our home because she has always taken care of me. I do the laundry, clean the house, and wash the dishes. I also love going to school. I want to grow up and become a teacher so that I can pass along the love of learning and so that I can take care of my grandmother. I work hard in school. I am close to the top of my class. Nouria is a hard-working child. She is in need of a sponsor so that she can accomplish her dreams of becoming a teacher. A sponsor would also help her by giving Nouria and her grandmother grain throughout the year. More than anything, it will give Nouria a chance at a Christian education. She will learn about the love of Jesus and the salvation that she can find in Him.
Age: 14