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This precious child is Elisabeth. Born in 2018, she is growing up in the harsh environment of West Africa where poverty, hunger and sickness are a way of life. When she was just a baby her father became gravely ill and passed away. Since then, her mother has done her best to meet the needs of her large family. Elisabeth is the youngest of seven children. They share a small mud brick house. They do not have the luxury of electricity or running water.

During the summer they work together in the fields where they grow corn and beans. They also have a few chickens.


This year (2023-2024) Elisabeth is in 1st grade. She loves going to school and is looking forward to learning to read and write. It is very difficult for her mother to find the money to pay her school fees and this makes Elisabeth worry that she will not be able to stay in school. These burdens would be lifted if you could find it in your heart to become her sponsor. For the $35 monthly donation to sponsorship, Elisabeth’s tuition would be paid, and school supplies purchased. Twice a year her family would receive 100 pounds of rice and some soap. You can do all this for about $1.17 a day! Please consider the difference this could make in Elisabeth’s life. Thank you!

Age: 6