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Abdoul Latif 1413MSWSC15

Abdoul Latif was born in 2009 and lives with his parents and two younger brothers in the courtyard of his grandfather. This is a Muslim family. They live together in a mud brick home without water or electricity. They walk to a well each day to get water for cooking, cleaning and drinking. Abdoul Latif’s father does not own any land. They are cultivating on the land of the grandfather who is very old and can no longer work. Abdoul Latif’s father grows millet that is their main food source for the year. During the dry season, Abdoul Latif’s father finds part time work with construction projects. The additional income helps buy fresh vegetables to add to their meals and hygiene products. If the family were to become sick, it is likely that they would not have enough left to receive treatment. School is simply a luxury that they can’t afford. Abdoul Latif was given a place at the Sheltering Wings School. He had a hard time adjusting at the beginning, but now he is improving in all of his subjects. Each night he studies with a group. Sponsorship will allow Abdoul Latif to receive a Christian education and have help with food and medical care.
Age: 15