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Becky Schroeder

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In 2004, I had my first experience in West Africa; volunteering with Ruth Cox. My heart was captured by the people! After many years and many visits, in 2016 I was honored to officially join the Sheltering Wings family working with agriculture and food insecurity. In 2017, my focus shifted from agriculture to one small baby named Wendpouire Ouedraogo. He was in our orphanage, very sick and dying. He needed one-on-one care. I became his caretaker and momma for the next 10 months. In February of 2018, he left this world to be with Jesus. This little one showed me the need for advocacy for sick and terminally ill children. The Wendpouire Project was born! We love supporting children with special needs and their families! We are not only committed to helping alleviate the massive medical burden from these families, but the Wendpouire Project also endeavors to lift their emotional and societal burden. Many in these communities believe these children to be a mistake or even a curse upon the family. We believe them to be a gift created and loved by God. We hope that the Wendpouire Project will not only transform lives, but also bring hope where it was once lost. While neither are easy or quick tasks, I know that it matters to the ONE.
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