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Lamoussa is a serious little boy. He was born in 2016 in a remote West African village. He has already faced much sadness in his young life. He is the third of five children. His father became seriously ill and died a short time later. His youngest sibling was a small baby at that time. His mother is now shouldering the burden of raising five children on her own.


Their home is a simple mud brick structure with a tin roof. They sleep on thin mats on the dirt floor. There is no running water nor electricity. Like most others in the region Lamoussa’s family grows their own food. The principal crop is corn which is used to make “To”, the traditional African food eaten every day.


This year (2023-2024) Lamoussa is in 3rd grade. His mother struggles to pay his school fees since his father died but realizes her son will have more opportunities for a better life if he can receive an education. Lamoussa is hoping to find a sponsor to help him and his family. Could you be the one he is waiting for?


Having a sponsor means that his tuition would be paid for and school supplies purchased. Basic medical care would be provided. His family would receive distributions of 100 pounds of rice and other practical items twice a year. Moreover, Lamoussa would know somebody cares about him. Is there room in your heart for Lamoussa?

Age: 8