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This young man is Faisal. He was born on March 8, 2010, three months after the death of his father. He has three older brothers who are all in secondary school.
Faisal is in 5th grade this year (2023-2024). He is happy to be enrolled in school and is aware of the struggle it is for his mother to pay the school fees for her sons as well as put food on the family table.
She earns a little money by selling peanuts and vegetables by the side of the road. The boys help with family chores such as gathering wood. During the summer vacation, the older boys work as manual laborers to help pay their school fees.
The family shares a two-room mud brick house. They do not have electricity. They buy water which they carry home from a nearby water source.
Finding a sponsor for Faisal would be a blessing to the entire family. Could you help?

Age: 14