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Amira 1892FYKES18

Hello, my name is Amira. I live with my parents and three siblings. We are a Muslim family. My parents work as farmers. We only raise enough crops to feed ourselves throughout the year. If the rains are not good, we won’t have enough. We don’t have any running water or electricity in our home. My job around the home is to wash the dishes after we eat our meals. I walk to school each day because I don’t have a bike. It is about a mile. I love going to school each day and learning more about the world. When I am all grown up, I want to become a teacher and help other children discover the world. I want to help them learn to read and to do math. Amira is in danger of not being able to complete her schooling. She comes from a family of Muslim subsistence farmers. When the rains are not sufficient, they will have to buy their food and there will not be enough money left over to pay for tuition. As a girl, she will have less of a chance of completing her schooling than her brothers. Through your sponsorship, Amira will receive a free Christian education and food for her family.
Age: 13